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What if you could see what awaits you whenever you want, fast-forwarding to the next few days, weeks or even years? Whether it's meeting someone special, getting your dream job, or making important decisions, the divinatory arts give you an incredible sense of your future – and you don't even need to be psychic to use them. Scott Cunningham presents this comprehensive guide to divination, the art of determining past, present and future. In a series of practical steps, you will learn to predict the future using simple but effective divination techniques.

• Choose the methods that work best for you.

• Ask the right questions to get accurate answers.

• Use tarot cards, the I Ching, reading crystals, palmistry, and observing omens to better understand the world around you.


Scott Cunningham has practiced elemental magic for over 20 years. He has written over 40 books, fiction and non-fiction, including: Earth, Air, Fire & Water Power; Magical Aromatherapy and Magical Herbalism. Among his books, O Livro das Sombras by Scott Cunningham and Wicca – Guia do Praticante Solitário, both published in Portuguese by Madras Editora, stand out.

His works refer to everything that is part of the New Age world, a subject he knew very well. He learned Wicca while still in high school and practiced elemental magic for 20 years. He experienced, researched, and then wrote about what he learned in his training in magic. His books reflect a range of interests in the New Age community, where he was well liked. Cunningham passed away on March 28, 1993, after a long struggle with illness. In this work, he shares with the reader a little more of his great knowledge that he has accumulated throughout his career. As a tool designed to access once incomprehensible information, the art of divination can play a vital role in adapting our lives to our expectations, dreams and desires.
Title: Introduction to the Divinatory Arts
Subtitle: Reading the Past, Present and Future
Author: Scott Cunningham
Publisher: Madras
Number of Pages: 208
Dimensions: 16 x 23 x 1.8 cm
Weight: 296 g

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